Our Program Roadmap

This roadmap simplifies what would typically be 4 to 9 stages in the life cycle of businesses into its 3 most important stages. We present the ideal scenarios for each of these stages in parallel with our very own Scaleable Empowerment Roadmap, which we have summarized in 2 phases.
Many companies will find themselves well into Stage 3 improvement initiatives such as ERP automation, ISO, 6-Sigma, etc., and business owners as well as senior leaders may be explicitly confident about organizational readiness, which would typically be associated with company size and financial capacity, often in overstated proportions. But the reality is that haste will make waste. Many large organizations will tend to throw money at challenges in the hopes of overcoming them, without significantly narrowing the gaps between the "what is" and the "what should be".
Readiness is about people and leadership. We can only identify, when applicable, what would be necessary to enhance readiness after we have made an objective assessment together.
Consistent with managing costs, time and energy on both sides of any client engagement, it will be prudent to first set aside discussions about any possible Transformation Phase and instead channel all focus to the Trust-Building Phase in the early goings.