Sustainable Excellence

Simplified descriptions of what excellence is, and of the key elements needed to sustain it.

7/17/20221 min read

Excellence - the belief and determination that, in spite of one's past or in spite of one's environment, a person can continuously realize better versions of him/herself.

Admittedly, it takes more than just belief and determination for excellence to flourish. Excellence first needs to take root in the soils of peace, which in turn are made in these ways:

Courage - walking into what seems uncertain, or walking away from what seems sure, whenever necessity calls for either or both

Honesty - speaking the truths that need to be heard, while earnestly considering the merits of other truths after one hears them

Acceptance - having the sense of humour to admit our own mistakes, and to live and let live whenever others are wrong, no matter how right we might be

Respect - recognizing the uniqueness of others, of the past that made them, of the present that moves them, and of the future they could possibly help mould

Trust - knowing that in life there are no guarantees, that we too could disappoint, as much as we could be disappointed